By Luke Spiropoulos
On July 14 and 15, the Anti-Racism Network of South Africa (ARNSA) ran a steering group strategy meeting, a panel discussion and a film screening at the Nelson Mandela Foundation.
The steering committee meeting focussed on the launches of several provincial structures of the network, operating systems and plans for the near and medium turn. Included in the latter were discussions of work in particular sectors (sports, religious entities etc.), the annual ARNSA conference in October and ARNSA’s communications strategy.
The panel discussion involved brief presentations of the most recent of the Institute for Justice and Reconciliation’s Reconciliation Barometers and the South African Institute for Race Relations’ (SAIRR) study into perceptions of racism. Two respondents were invited to speak to these studies from non-quantitative positions.
The film screening was of an MTV production entitled, “The People Versus the Rainbow Nation”. It followed a group of students and young graduates as they explored the realities of racial inequality and supremacy in the country today in contrast to the dreams of the Rainbow Nation described by Archbishop Tutu and others in the 1990s.