DATE: 14 MARCH 2017

The concept of ‘becoming’ will feature during Anti-Racism Week (March 14-21), with key ‘be’ themes per day. The type of events that you/ your organisations could host can be linked to the themes.

14 March, Tuesday – Be Aware – This day is about making people aware about what racism is, the different ways it manifests itself and just how pervasive it is. It is about being aware of how racism affects people in their interpersonal relationships, in their social standing, in the workplace, in faith-based organisations, at school or on the sports field, in the news, and on social media. The day is about being aware of how racism affects us materially and on a structural level.

15 March, Wednesday – Be Frank – This day aims to address the complexities of daily lives, racial identities and racism in South Africa. Possible sub themes include: white guilt and privilege, black racism and prejudice, blackness and its meaning today, can white/ Indian people be African without cultural appropriation, ‘coloured’ identity and its meaning in a post-apartheid setting, why are we silent when we are faced with racism, what is the insidious language that supports/underpins racism, non-racialism and its meaning in post-apartheid South Africa.

16 March, Thursday –  Be Challenged – This day prompts you to challenge your own stereotypes and prejudices, to do something that you wouldn’t normally do. Identify what stereotypes / prejudices you hold of your race and of other races. Brainstorm ways to challenge the stereotypes / prejudices that have been identified. Actively perform challenges and share it on social media. Be sure to share your reflections and activities with us by emailing .

17 March, Friday – Be Conscious – Consciousness Friday encourages activities and public events that offers a space to listen and discuss race and racism through creative platforms.

18 March, Saturday – Be Brave – Saturday’s theme is to speak out against racism. It provides a space for listening to how people have been brave enough to take on racism, and for people to share strategies for dealing with racism in everyday life.

19 March, Sunday – Be Just – The theme for being just focuses on sharing knowledge and resources outside of the usual spaces, with a particular focus on holding events either in the urban peripheries or rural areas. Issues could include spatial justice, the Hate Speech Bill, rights and laws, media and racism – advertising etc and reconciliation, restitution and land distribution.

20 March, Monday – Be Free – Consider the ideals of freedom, liberation history, constitutionalism and race. This can also be a day of reflection.

21 March, Tuesday – Become – The last day of the campaign falls on Human Rights Day and the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. It lends itself to collaboration with Human Rights organisations. Themes can be centred around human rights, dignity, respect or history, with specific focus on the Shareville Massacre which occurred on this day in 1960.

Please do inform us of all your planned activities. Email

Send pictures, videos, tweets and any media related output to or tweet ARNSA @AntiRacismNet.




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Block B, Suite 2
19 Guinea-Fowl Street
Lenasia, Gauteng, 1827
South Africa

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Lenasia, Gauteng, 1820
South Africa


In pursuing its core objective
of deepening non-racialism,
the Ahmed Kathrada Foundation

Promote the values, rights
and principles enshrined in the
Freedom Charter and the
Constitution of the
Republic of South Africa;

Collect, record, promote and
display, through historical
artefacts and contemporary


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