We have also had requests from people about where they can leave cards bearing messages of support, or flowers. This can be dropped off at the Foundation’s offices (Signet Terrace Office Park, Block B, Suite 2 – 19 Guinea-Fowl Street, Ext 1, Lenasia).
“All of the messages that we have received will be collated and passed on to the family,” Balton explained.
Kathrada, a tireless activist for non-racialism and Constitutionalism, is one of three Rivonia Trialists still alive today; the other two being Andrew Mlangeni and Denis Goldberg.
Issued by the Ahmed Kathrada Foundation
Communications Officer
Zaakirah Vadi
+27 76 243 1185
+27 11 854 0082
* To arrange sit-down interviews with a representative of the Foundation, contact Zaakirah on the contact details above. For comment/ soundbites, contact Neeshan Balton, the Foundation’s Executive Director, on 082 373 1143.