We could always use an extra hand
If you are not part of a club, over the age of 25 and are keen to support our work.
Fill in our volunteer form and we will contact you when we have any volunteer opportunities.
What is volunteerism ?
Volunteerism means to connect to your community and make it a better place.
Volunteering allows you to be part of something, share your skills, time and knowledge for the benefit of a cause.
Dedicating your time as a volunteer helps you make new friends, expand your social network, learn new skills and practice your craft, whilst contributing to the development of something much larger.
Volunteer opportunities with the Youth Activism Programme allows you to work with a group of young people making a difference to communities at a grassroots level.
“Remember that no struggle in any part of the world was won in the drawing rooms and conference tables…we must at all times know that, as with the struggles of all peoples, the main brunt will have to be borne by the youth”
Ahmed Kathrada